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Open 7 days a week from 10am ● Call us on 09-445-6969
November Scooter Insider

November Scooter Insider

November update

After a brief hiatus it's time to relaunch the Scooter Insider, and we have plenty of news and excitement for y’all! Take a minute and read on…

There’s a new range in town:
We are mega-stoked to be appointed NZ Distributor for InMotion Scooters. We have long wanted a solid commuter line-up of properly weatherproof and sturdy models with some decent zip-a-dee-doo, and these are just the ticket!

The Air, Air Pro and S1F, floating this way on a boat as I write. 

The Air Pro: We are picking this will be the sweet spot for those after some punchy climbing impressive range and all-weather ability at an Air-light $1399 price point. It has ripped up North Head volcanic cone without breaking a sweat, easily hit 35kmh, and is reckoned to be good for 40kms range, due to some BMS wizardry and a chunky 12.4ah battery. Thumb throttle, twin brakes from a single lever, and cable-less design. It doesn’t get any more trouble-free than this, and here at Electric Scooter Shop we hate trouble!

Demo model available as always, and there’s the little bro Air with the same frame and slightly less grunt as a wafer-thin $1099, and the bigger cousin S1F, perfect for the taller gent (or lady), climbs like a goat and phenomenal range, with the factory claiming up to 90km and us being a tad more conservative and reckoning more like 60. Own one for $2199. Not bad in this inflation-ravaged economy…


Pre-sales open now, and stock (what’s left after the presales) available mid-December, but we’ll keep you posted.

Click here to view the range.

EUC (Electric Unicycles)

As well as producing fine e-scooters, InMotion is well known for producing the world’s most dependable and safest EUC’s. We will have a couple of demo models (the V8 and the V10) to try out, if you have always wondered what the EUC thing is all about.

There’s a new shop in town (well, Takapuna to be exact):
No description available.No description available.

We have heard all the getting-to-Devonport woes, and we get it. Despite the cheap rent (cheers, Countdown, and thanks for the use of the building for 10 years) and me living around the corner from the shop, we have listened and are moving to 74 Barrys Point Road in Takapuna, open from 16th November (couldn’t even wait till the end of the month!). You can’t get closer to the motorway junction, as well as the North Shore cycle network. So no excuse, get in and see us. Maybe for this…

There’s a Scooter WOF coming, just for you!

Before you break into a how-dare-they scooter-rage, this is NOT an NZTA initiative. It’s ours. But who is really checking if your scooter is safe, and how it is wearing? If it’s you, then carry on. But if it's left to chance, book it in for a check every 6 months for your peace of mind. It costs $45.

You will receive a Green (Great) Amber (Watch it) or Red (Yikes!) assessment of the key safety systems of your scooter, including tyres, brakes, suspension, folding mechanism, etc. All tested and recommendations given of action needed or not. From there we can take care of any work needed, if you want us to. No obligation. Give us a call to book in. 094456969 or email

Readers Rides:

No description available.Underneath all that artistry is a Kaabo Wolf Warrior 10X. Dave has unleashed his creativity and developed quite an extraordinary look for his daily rider. He also rocks a snazzy line in helmets, all of which says ‘This is not a scooter (or a rider) to mess with!’

Staff Spot:

Those of you who enjoy a group ride in Auckland may well already know Ryan.The Wheelie-King, known as Reckless Ryan, Life of Ryan, or just plain Don’t-do-that-you’ll-hurt-yourself-Ryan. A skilled IT professional in his ‘other life’, he provides valuable tech support to the workshop, and is a dab hand at most running repairs to keep you scootering.

Your Scooter Society Needs YOU!

Please send us pictures of your scooters, details of your riding groups, routes you like to ride, and your thoughts and feelings on scooters in general. We are all in this community together, so the more the merrier. Email to

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