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Open 7 days a week from 10am ● Call us on 09-445-6969
July Scooter Insider

July Scooter Insider

July update

It’s here. The dreaded July, the month of seemingly unending grey rain and rock-bottom temperatures around the country. It doesn’t seem to be phasing our scooter community though, who are snapping up new rides all over the place, and getting out and into it. Remember that the days are now getting longer again (honestly!) and soon enough you won’t need that extra mounted light on the way home (Wolf King and Vsett 11 riders we know you already pack enough lumens to raise the dead, but more modest scooters need a little help sometimes!). I do find that the motorcycle helmet and gloves combo make early starts a lot warmer and more bearable, but more on that later. And so to business….

Reader's Ride

Maybe this should be ‘Readers old ride’, as since taking this photo Dean has become the first person in Aotearoa to own the new Vsett 11 Super 72, but he has gone to town on tricking out this Vsett 11+, with some chunky moped indicators, trims, mounts, and a fat sound system to make those group rides pop! He may be open to offers on this beauty now, so hit him up through the Auckland E-Scooter Club group.

Tell Us What You Want (what you really, really want)

I’ve spent an unfeasible amount of time recently pondering the direction of scooters, and what we want and need from our steed (see what I did there?). Adding indicators seems to be an increasing trend, as well as mirrors, and from manufacturers we are slowly seeing puncture-proof tyres make an appearance, as well as an almost begrudgingly slow improvement in weatherproofing. These are some of my ‘wants’, but let us know what you would like to see on your next scooter, as we feed back to the factories and you never know, perhaps we can help you make it happen. Just email


Riding group Shout-Out

This month I have to shout out the Auckland E-Scooter Club, for having me along on their Devonport group ride on the first Sunday of the month (probably useful to have a local guide!), and what a great time we all had! These guys definitely have a Sports Scooters edge to them (the Dualtron Eagle was the smallest ride out there, and that’s by no means a small scooter), and I was encouraged to see that there is universal adoption of the full-face motorcycle helmet, plus gloves and sturdy riding gear. A top bunch of guys (all guys this time out, so girls where you at?), and with a Waiheke weekender planned for the warmer months, now is a great time to get involved


Follow this link to their Facebook page and join in the fun

Super-duper Riding Routes

I’m going to give it up for my local this month, and say get yourselves over to Devonport and make the most of Auckland’s best beach suburb! There are 2 solid climbs to do with Mount Victoria and North Head in close proximity, plus the Bayswater Marina to take a scoot around, with a big ol’ carpark for an impromptu drag race! Cafe stops abound, and if you stay off Lake Road, not a lot of traffic to contend with.

Scooter In Focus


A ‘honey for the money’ of a scooter that I had the pleasure of unboxing and testing just this morning, the Vsett 8+ is set to set hearts racing this spring. We have one demo in store and a small order on the way, which I already know will not be enough to cope with the demand we will have for this. With twin 600W motors and a grunty LG 16ah battery upgrade from the standard Vsett 8, this has pickup a-plenty, pulls 40kmh going up, down or sideways, and feels as light and nimble to ride as the single-motor stablemate. Maintenance-free drum brakes are very capable, and the airless tyres don’t feel hard as the suspension is so good. For a compact no-worries pocket rocket, I think we have just the thing right here!

Safety Tips

I’m going to spell it out clearly right here. If you ride fast, buy a full-face motorbike helmet. It's that simple. We’ve had a couple of unlucky customers come off and faceplant, and the results can be messy. With this in mind we have sourced 2 excellent options, one off-road style and one road-style (with visor). Both at $179, which is peanuts compared to protecting your face and head. Plus you look like a badass, and what’s not to love about that?! Maybe keep your cycle-grade helmet for rolling slowly to the corner shop, but once you are over bike speeds, you need a helmet that offers serious impact protection. 

Your Scooter Society Needs YOU!

Please send us pictures of your scooters, details of your riding groups, routes you like to ride, and your thoughts and feelings on scooters in general. We are all in this community together, so the more the merrier. Email to

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